Psalm 4


Key To Psalm For Daily Life (Psalm 4 to 6)

To the director: With stringed instruments. A song of David.
1 God, you showed that I was innocent.
You gave me relief from all my troubles.
So listen to me now when I call to you for help.
Be kind to me and hear my prayer.

2 Men,* how long will you try to dishonor me?
Do you enjoy wasting your time searching for new lies against me?

3 You can be sure that anyone who serves the LORD faithfully is special to him.
The LORD listens when I pray to him.

4 Tremble with fear, and stop sinning.†
Think about this when you go to bed, and calm down.

5 Give the right sacrifices to the LORD,
and put your trust in him!

6 Many people say, “I wish I could enjoy the good life.
LORD, give us some of those blessings.”‡

7 But you have made me happier than they will ever be with all their wine and grain.

8 When I go to bed, I sleep in peace,
because, LORD, you keep me safe.

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